UC CEAS Mechanical Engineering Technology
Throughout my four years in high school, track and cross country were the one constant. My love for running came from my Dad, and like Forrest Gump, once I started, I just couldn't stop. Not only was it the running I loved, but also the people. My teammates were practically brothers by the time I graduated and those friendships will be life-long. Through my intense training, I built up mental and physical strength that will carry me forward and also earned a varsity letter in both sports all four years I ran. Pictured is me (far right) leading off the Men's 4x800 meter relay at New Balance Indoor Nationals in 2019.

Track & Cross Country
Something else I was passionate about in high school was woodworking. I took my first woods class Freshman year because I had taken an engineering class the year before and really enjoyed the building part of the course. I was focused on learning the basics so I didn't have time to explore very much. Senior year, however, I had room for the class in my schedule again and this time I was able to go much more in-depth. I paired the course with the AP-3D art class I was in and made a portfolio consisting of a chair, two coffee tables, and a TV stand. I would have liked to spend more time in the shop but my senior year got cut short. I'm looking forward to being able to use DAAP's facilities and build more furniture in their woodshop. Feel free to click on the image to view the rest of my 3D portfolio.
Now this one I'm REALLY passionate about, so excuse me if I get carried away. Analog photography, or film photography, is something that's been a huge part of my life for the past 6 years or so. My obsession started out when I borrowed my sister's film camera she got for a college photo class and grew from there. I now own probably 20+ film cameras, use 5 or so of them regularly. Yeah, 20 is a little excessive, but most of those are either broken or just shelf fillers. The 5 cameras I do use are incredible pieces of vintage technology that have allowed me to capture some pretty incredible images. Fun fact, I even own the base model of a camera that has been sent to the moon many times, including on the Apollo 11 mission. If you want to know more about that, you can ask me or read this interesting article. That same camera has been carried with me almost every day for the past few years and captured the image to the right. In addition to camera technology, I also love learning about the process and theory behind film photography. Currently, I develop and scan all my own film at home which, although time-consuming, has become pretty systematic. I also set up a makeshift darkroom in my bathroom to make black and white prints the old fashioned way. Fun to use, but definitely not as practical or efficient as the darkroom my high school has. Anyways, if you can't tell, I love pretty much all things analog photography and could talk about it for hours. If you're interested, feel free to shoot me a message! Also, click on the image to the right to check out my Instagram and see more of my photography.